이슬람 건축 장식의 특징에 관한 연구

A Study on the Characteristic of the Ornament in Islamic Architecture

  • 심복기 (신구대학교 건축디자인전공) ;
  • 유재득 (가천대학교 건축학과)
  • 투고 : 2013.08.01
  • 발행 : 2013.12.25


1400 years ago, the history of islam begins after the hijrah. Islamic architecture, the birth of islam, since Muhammad is begins the prophet's house. The same is true of islamic ornament. Islamic architecture has a strong religious significance. The majority of islamic architectural elements have a close relationship as islam, Muhammad and the quran. Ummah of islam and the provisions of these ideas that make more public acts. The beginning of the islamic ornament is a surrounding areas, traditional architecture and traditional decoration. As islam is here, in addition to the original decoration was transformed. The islamic ornament is a religious and scientific. islamic ornament has religious significance and The ornamental design made documents by a scientific theorem. So that future generations of muslims who have ancestors used was to inherit. Islamic ornament is a aesthetic. Islamic ornament is repeated indefinitely has the features to be deployed. However, it is also not simple nor boring. It is visually beautiful and still can feel the three dimensional effect. In addition, each decorated with a place to use ornament pattern between the order has decided. Finally, islamic ornament is characteristic of modernity. Islamic ornament, after the birth, have not changed the default greatly. But, that can be used in modern decor is valid. In addition, islamic ornament, islamic regions beyond, is an advantage that you can use the world.



연구 과제 주관 기관 : 신구대학교


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