Supported by : 한국연구재단
- 한국시설안전공단, 안전점검 및 정밀안전진단 세부지침해설서, p.p.57-71, 2011
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- Y.C. Lim, et al., Mathematical Modeling for Corrosion Environment Estimation Based on Concrete Resistivity Measurement Directly above Reinforcement, ISIJ International, Vol.49, p.p.92-99, 2009.
- 佐.宏一, 菅野., 芦田., 建設.防災技術者のための物理探査, 森北, 東京, p.p.133-138, 1999.
- The Society of Exploration Geophysicists, Exploration of Geophysicsts' Mining Geophysics, George Banta, p.p.87-96, 1967.