노인 정보통신기술 사용 행태에 대한 연구방향 제시: SILC

A suggestion of the research direction for older adults' ICT use behaviors: SILC

  • 투고 : 2013.09.01
  • 심사 : 2013.09.26
  • 발행 : 2013.09.30


Although information communication technology (ICT) has been one of the most important infrastructures for our societies, it is still considered as a kind of black box having a barrier to be accepted and being not easily understood. Nevertheless, there are no proper research models or theories for explaining older adults' ICT uses. The objective of this study is to suggest a direction for studying older adults' ICT using behaviors. For this purpose, based on the review and analysis of current studies, main research issues are discussed and a new research framework for the research of older adults' ICT use, Silver ICT users Life Cycle(SILC), is suggested.



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