Dyeing of meta-Aramid Fabric with Temporarily Solubilized Reactive Disperse Dyes

일시적 수용성 반응성 분산염료를 이용한 메타 아라미드 섬유의 염색성 연구

  • Lee, Yeon Ju (Korea Apparel Testing and Research Institute) ;
  • Lee, Jung Jin (Department of Fiber System Engineering, Dankook University)
  • 이연주 (한국의류시험연구원) ;
  • 이정진 (단국대학교 파이버시스템공학과)
  • Received : 2013.11.08
  • Accepted : 2013.12.11
  • Published : 2013.12.27


Temporarily solubilized reactive disperse dyes containing ${\beta}$-sulfatoethylsulfonyl group were applied to 100% meta-aramid knitted fabric and their dyeing properties were investigated. Reactive disperse dyes showed relatively high K/S values on meta-aramid fabric when compared with conventional disperse dye or reactive dye, which showed very low K/S values. Color yields of reactive disperse dyes were highly dependent on dyeing pH and optimum results were obtained at pH 6. Percent exhaustion of reactive disperse dye on meta-aramid fabric was over 80% at 2% o.w.f of dye concentration. Wash fastness of pyridone-based reactive disperse dyes was very good to excellent while that of aminoazobenzene reactive disperse dyes was medium to good. Light fastness of all the reactive disperse dyes was very poor which seems to be due to the low photostability of meta-aramid fiber itself.



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