중국(中國) 소수민족(少數民族) 문화접변(文化接變) 양상(樣相)의 변화(變化): 회족(回族)과 이족(彝族)의 문화(文化)를 중심으로

Modality and implication of chinese minority group's cultural change: focused on hui-zu's culture and yi-zu's culture

  • 투고 : 2012.11.10
  • 심사 : 2012.12.21
  • 발행 : 2012.12.30


This study focused on concretely how minority group's attitude accepting han-zu's culture changes. In the past, minority group's culture and han-zu's culture were acculturated spontaneously, not forcibly. But as the people's republic of china was founded and control of chinese government was intensified, control and interference of minority group area became aggressive, and acculturation became compulsory. However, after chinese economic reform, by economic affluence and modernization and urbanization according to economic affluence, acculturation of minority group's culture and han-zu's culture is changing from forced acculturation to spontaneous acculturation. Still there are some areas where mutual friction lasts because of forced acculturation. But except some areas the stream is changing rapidly to spontaneous acculturation. In the text, this study investigated process and present state of acculturation focused on hui-zu that implemented aggressive acceptance of han-zu's culture relatively early. Then this study investigated yi-zu society and cultural change focused on their spontaneous acculturation. In the modern society setting a high value on convenience and personal happiness rather than ideology and value, value of race becomes less attractive to young people of minority group who know modern civilization and convenience of city. In this respect, maybe hui-zu society is future of yi-zu society and minority group society.
