A Comparative Study on the Landscapes of "Yueyanglou(岳陽樓)" in China and Korea

한중(韓中) 악양루(岳陽樓) 문화경관(文化景觀) 비교(比較) 고찰(考察)

  • Received : 2012.05.10
  • Accepted : 2012.05.25
  • Published : 2012.06.30


China's Yueyanglou(岳陽樓) cultural landscape and cultural landscape of Korea, respectively Yueyanglou(岳陽樓) investigated and the following results were extracted. First, multi-cultural personalities to ever Yueyanglou(岳陽樓) China's outstanding natural beauty around the emotion of his drawing on the literature and a new cultural landscape was formed. Their main feeling of the beauty of nature through his ash under adverse conditions up again in politics, which expresses the desire to advance. To this end, his outlook on life and also an attitude overhaul yeotboinda. This information formed the cultural landscape of Korea Yueyanglou(岳陽樓) not deviate from that has been investigated. Second, Korea is entirely China's 'sun' Lou Yueyanglou(岳陽樓) was a significant effect of cultural landscape. The beautiful landscapes of the Joseon Dynasty literati in the Joseon reported only in words and pictures they admired China's leading natural and cultural landscape and paste the name of the famous' sun Lou watch it was transformed into a cultural landscape. For this reason, the current remaining two 'sun' Lou, but probably the Joseon Dynasty, called the 'sun tower base and is estimated to be more common than now. In addition, in Hadong Yueyanglou(岳陽樓) near the sun 'Lou, China has also attached near the nomination could be an important clue.



Supported by : 한국연구재단