기후변화 적응도시 모델개발을 위한 계획기법 및 사례 분석

The Analysis of planning methode and case study for Model 'Climate Change Adaptation City'

  • 투고 : 2012.07.11
  • 심사 : 2012.08.10
  • 발행 : 2012.08.31


The Earth's surface temperature still continues to rise, and extreme weather phenomena such as heat waves, drought, and precipitation have been repeated every year. It is reported that international communities attribute the main cause of the Earth's surface temperature rise to the excessive use of the fossil energy. Recently, the damage caused by climate change is getting worse, and the place where we live is suffering the most. Cities have been continuously growing not only meeting the basic functions of human habitation, work and leisure but also being places for various economic and social activities. But Cities, the victims of climate change, have grown only considering human needs and convenience rather than predicting their physical and ecological systems(Albedo effects, urban microclimate, resources and energy of the circulatory system, etc). In other words, the cities offer the cause of the problems of climate change, and even worsen the extreme weather phenomena without coping with them. Therefore, it is urgent priorities to protect the climate, to prevent the causes of the extreme weather phenomena and to enhance the adaptive capacity for the worse weather events. This study is to derive the concept for adapting to these climate changes which can make cities escape from exposure to these climate change impacts and make themselves safer places to live. And it analyzes some European cities and present developing models to implement planning methods. In this study, the concept of the climate adaptive cities will be suggested to prepare the adaptation measures for urban planners, and climate change adaptation models will be presented by analyzing some preliminary cases.



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