Designing an Efficient and Secure Credit Card-based Payment System with Web Services Based on the ANSI X9.59-2006

  • 투고 : 2012.01.31
  • 심사 : 2012.05.01
  • 발행 : 2012.09.30


A secure Electronic Payment System (EPS) is essential for the booming online shopping market. A successful EPS supports the transfer of electronic money and sensitive information with security, accuracy, and integrity between the seller and buyer over the Internet. SET, CyberCash, Paypal, and iKP are the most popular Credit Card-Based EPSs (CCBEPSs). Some CCBEPSs only use SSL to provide a secure communication channel. Hence, they only prevent "Man in the Middle" fraud but do not protect the sensitive cardholder information such as the credit card number from being passed onto the merchant, who may be unscrupulous. Other CCBEPSs use complex mechanisms such as cryptography, certificate authorities, etc. to fulfill the security schemes. However, factors such as ease of use for the cardholder and the implementation costs for each party are frequently overlooked. In this paper, we propose a Web service based new payment system, based on ANSI X9.59-2006 with extra features added on top of this standard. X9.59 is an Account Based Digital Signature (ABDS) and consumer-oriented payment system. It utilizes the existing financial network and financial messages to complete the payment process. However, there are a number of limitations in this standard. This research provides a solution to solve the limitations of X9.59 by adding a merchant authentication feature during the payment cycle without any addenda records to be added in the existing financial messages. We have conducted performance testing on the proposed system via a comparison with SET and X9.59 using simulation to analyze their levels of performance and security.



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