소비자의 기업평가에 있어서 기업과 소비자의 사회적 책임활동의 상호작용효과

The Interaction Effect of Social Responsibility Activities of Consumers and Corporations on Corporate Evaluation

  • 투고 : 2012.03.30
  • 심사 : 2012.06.25
  • 발행 : 2012.07.31


Business firms and consumers exist within a society, and their activities influence a society, because they are not separated from a society. Thus, consumers as well as business firms have been asked to conduct socially responsible actions (i.e., environmentally friendly production and socially friendly activities). Previous researchers have investigated on the relationship between corporate social responsibilities and business performances. For example, researchers have analyzed the effects of corporate social responsibility on consumer's corporate evaluations. The corporate social responsibility is commonly classified into the three dimensions (economic, social, and environmental responsibility). In this paper, we demonstrated that the consumer social responsibility can also be classified into the three dimensions. Previous researchers have shown that the three dimensions of corporate social responsibility influence consumer's corporate evaluation. However, they have not considered the interaction effect of the corporate social responsibility and the consumer social responsibility on consumers' corporate evaluation. Different from the past studies, this study investigated on the interaction effect of consumer social responsibility (economic, social, environmental responsibility) and corporate social responsibility (economic, social, environmental responsibility) on consumer's corporate evaluation. For the study, we collected survey data of 200 consumers and analyzed the interaction effect with ANOVAs. The result showed that the three dimensions of social responsibility to both corporate and consumers influence positively the corporate evaluation. They also showed that the interaction effect of consumer responsibility and corporate responsibility on the corporate evaluation was statistically significant. This implies that it is necessary for corporate to conduct corporate social responsibility differently depending on consumer's activity for consumer social responsibility.



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