Influence of Mother and Peer Attachment on Conflict Resolution Strategies of Children

모애착과 또래애착이 아동의 친구간 갈등해결전략에 미치는 영향

  • Received : 2012.09.22
  • Accepted : 2012.10.10
  • Published : 2012.12.31


This study investigated the influence of mother and peer attachment on conflict resolution strategies of children. Following research questions were established. First, what is the influence of mother and peer attachment on conflict resolution strategies of children? Second, does the influence of mother and peer attachment on conflict resolution strategies of children differ according to sex? Third, what is the relative influence of mother and peer attachment on conflict resolution strategies of children? 485 fifth graders(male, 184; female, 163) from elementary schools located in Busan participated in this study and completed Inventory of Parent and Peer Attachment and Conflict Resolution Strategies Scale. Collected data were analyzed using t-test, Pearson Correlation Coefficient, Simple Regression and Multiple Regression Analysis. Major findings of this study were summarized as follows: First, both mother and peer attachment influenced on compromising and integration, avoiding and obliging strategies although the degree of influence were different. Second, the influence of mother and peer attachment on conflict resolution strategies differ according to gender. Third, the influence of peer attachment on conflict resolution strategies were greater than the one of mother attachment. Finally the significance of this study were presented with comments on limitations of this study.



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  1. Types of Multiple Attachment to Mother and Teacher, Sex and Five Year Old Children's Peer Competence vol.27, pp.3, 2015,