국내 양돈장에서 분리한 G9형 돼지로타바이러스의 특성

Characterization of G9 genotype porcine rotavirus isolated in Korea

  • 투고 : 2012.04.20
  • 심사 : 2012.05.30
  • 발행 : 2012.06.30


Porcine rotaviruses are the most common causes of viral gastroenteritis in piglets around the world. The major G genotypes of porcine rotaviruses causing diarrhea were G4, G5 and G11 genotypes. Recently, G9 genotype rotaviruses were problemed at swine farms and frequently recognized from diarrheic piglets. In this study, a porcine rotavirus (PoRV-1) was isolated from piglet showing diarrhea using MA104 cells and confirmed as rotavirus by electron microscopy, genomic RNA electropherotyping and indirect immunofluorescence antibody tests. The nucleotide sequence of the VP7 gene of PoRV-1 was determined and compared with those of other genotype rotavirus strains from other parts of the world. Also, the nucleotide sequences of VP4, VP6 and NSP4 genes of PoRV-1 were determined and compared with those of other rotavirus strains from other countries. The results showed that the PoRV-1 isolate belonged to the G9 genotype and the P, I and E genotypes of PoRV-1 were P[23], I5 and E1, respectively. The Korean G9 PoRV-1 isolate and its nucleotide sequence data would be usefully used for the development of porcine rotavirus vaccines in near future.



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