A Study of Linking City Space by Applying the Concept of Activated Surface Layer - Roadside Design Proposals for the Activation of the Nambu(Southern) Beltway -

활성화된 표층의 개념을 적용한 도시 공간 연결 가능성에 관한 연구 - 남부순환로 가로변의 활성화을 위한 설계 제안 -

  • 정성인 (경기대 건축전문대학교) ;
  • 천의영 (경기대 건축전문대학교) ;
  • 임진호 (경기대 건축전문대학교)
  • Received : 2011.11.03
  • Published : 2012.06.25


City residents strongly desire to move about freely. However, the city landscape is replete with obstacles and limits. In particular, when the city infrastructure, creates disconnected spatial systems and the city expands horizontally, the city walking environment, seen from the perspective of pedestrians in residential areas, is divided by horizontal lines. In order to overcome this problem, the concept of 'skin' has recently begun appearing in modern architecture literature is expanded into urban surface to be looked at as spatial and physical features through the patterns of layers inside the skin. If "skin and skin=" taking place at this time are looked at as a surface layer, it comes as human facilities added to nature. As measures to solve the problems of disconnection at contact points on the surface layer, activated surface layers will be focused on; through which freedom in physical and mental areas can be achieved. This study aims to apply the concept of surface layers invigorated in urban spaces to assign roles to the aspect in which disconnected structures are linked and to new infrastructures.



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