건축학전공 인증 영역별 교과목에 대한 남녀학생의 학업성과 조사 연구

An Analysis of the Academic Achievements for Architecture Students Considering Their Gender

  • 이광희 (울산대학교 건축대학 건축학부)
  • 투고 : 2012.02.29
  • 발행 : 2012.05.25


The goal of this study was to figure out the academic achievements of the architecture major students. The detailed research objectives are 1)to investigate differences of GPA scores between the former students who entered before the year of 2002 (group A) and the students who entered after the year of 2002 (group B). The reason why the year of 2002 was taken was the school of architecture at A University set up the 5-year architecture school system in pursuit of KAAB accreditation in 2002. The research also tried to find out the differences of scholastic achievements between two genders (male students and female students) with respect to the five fields of students performance criteria (SPC) such as communication, cultural issues, design, technology, and practice regulated by KAAB. The research selected all the 451 former architecture students who entered the school from 1995 to 2006 as research samples. Then, the research divided them into two groups with 334 'before' students (A Group) and 117 'after' students (B Group). With vigorous analyses, the research found statistically different GPA scores between A and B groups. Thus, the study tried to investigate A and B groups seperately in order to analyze the differences of academic achievements between genders for the individual SPC courses. The research results revealed some differences of scholastic achievements between genders in some courses. The female students' grades for the courses of english language, cultural issues, structure, environmental control categories were always higher than those of male students for the A and B groups. And the female students' grades for mathematics/physics and the courses in the practice categories were higher only in B group. Except structure courses of A group, no one course that the male students' grades were higher was found at all.



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