노후 영구임대주택 주거복지기능 강화를 위한 재구조화 방안 연구

A Study on the Restructuring of Aged Permanent Rental Housing for Welfare Service

  • 투고 : 2012.01.17
  • 발행 : 2012.04.25


The permanent rental housing mainly provided in early 1990's are up to 190,000 households and are contributed to supply the appropriate housing to vulnerable class. However, there is a limitation to take a role of residential welfare due to the aging of facilities and the concentration of vulnerable tenants. This study aims to seek the necessities and improvement direction of permanents rental housing's restructuring. For this goal, this study analyzed the physical and social characteristics of housing and investigated legal and institutional changes and tenant's needs. 'Welfare-Housing' means the additional building that residential function combined with welfare functions and legally based on the 'The Act to Support for Improving the Quality of Tenant's Life in Long-term Public Housing(2009)'. In conclusion, this study suggest the Welfare-Housing as the methods of restructuring housing for strengthening of residential welfare. With utilizing of Welfare-Housing, it seems possible that both aging permanent rental housing and quality of tenant's life would be improved.



연구 과제 주관 기관 : LH 토지주택연구원


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