이민자의 법무부 사회통합프로그램 참여경험에 관한 연구

A Study on Participation Experience of Immigrants in Korea Immigration & Integration Program of the Ministry of Justice

  • 최배영 (성신여자대학교 문화산업대학원) ;
  • 한은주 (화성시다문화가족지원센터)
  • Choi, Bae-Young (Dept. of Cultural Industry, Graduate School of Sungshin Women's Univ.) ;
  • Han, Eun-Joo (Hwaseong-city Multicultural Family Support Center)
  • 투고 : 2012.03.13
  • 심사 : 2012.05.08
  • 발행 : 2012.06.30


This thesis is based on an in-depth interview on participation experience of ten immigrants who reside in S Multi-cultural Family Support Center that is located in Gyeonggi-do in Korea Immigration & Integration Program(KIIP). The purpose of this research is to present through it's basic data for improvement in the operation of KIIP in the future by grasping participation process in KIIP that the immigrants have experienced, problems involved in their operation, and related requirements. Major results of the research are as follows: First, the motive for the immigrants' participation in KIIP was to acquire Korean nationality, learn Korean, and prepare for their future in Korea. Second, as a difficulty in participation in KIIP, access to educational institutions loomed large. Third, regarding improvements in the operation of KIIP, marriage immigrants needed to continue Korean language education, whereas other immigrants revealed a demand for opening evening classes or weekend classes. In the final analysis, it seems that for KIIP to provide an opportunity for the immigrants to have a vision for their life in the future, as well as for its realization in Korean society, policy-oriented institutional support that pays attention to their life situation and demands is badly needed.



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