여대생의 건강증진 경험

Female College Students' Experiences on Health Promotion

  • 투고 : 2011.05.09
  • 심사 : 2012.06.17
  • 발행 : 2012.06.30


Objectives: Many female college students today control their lifestyle not for the purpose to promote their health but to maintain slender figures. The purpose of this study was to explore and describe the lifestyle of female college students from their own perspectives. Methods: Data was collected through interviews of 25 female students and was analyzed by using Colaizzi's descriptive phenomenology(1978). The phenomenon of interest was described, followed by collecting participants' descriptions of the phenomenon and extracting concepts from significant statements. These concepts were then organized into thematic clusters, followed by exhaustive descriptions into which data was applied to extract the final categories. Results: The results were deduced into 226 re-statements, 38 constructed meanings, 23 themes, 11 theme clusters, and 5 categories. The five categories include 'Increased interest in physical health,' 'Selective dietary patterns influenced by lifestyle,' 'Lifestyle formed by social adaptation,' 'Health complications caused by self-body images,' 'Engages in healthy dietary behavior'. Conclusion: This study described the experiences of female college students' lifestyles after completing a course in health promotion. These findings have important implications on health education for college students which should be considered in developing health education programs in preparation for adult years of life.



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