청소년의 대인관계와 우울, 불안의 관계에서 자기수용의 조절효과

The Moderating Effects of Self-Acceptance in terms of the Interpersonal-Relationships, Depression, Anxiety of High School Students

  • 투고 : 2012.02.29
  • 심사 : 2012.05.31
  • 발행 : 2012.06.30


The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationships which may exist between interpersonal relationships, depression, anxiety, and self-acceptance. This study also examines whether self-acceptance has any moderating effects on the relationships between interpersonal relationships, depression, and anxiety. The subjects of this study consisted of 400 high school students and the study focused on reporting their levels of interpersonal relationships, depression, anxiety, and self acceptance. The results indicate that depression and anxiety are negatively related to interpersonal relationships and self-acceptance. Interpersonal relationships are positively related to self acceptance. In other words, the more negative the interpersonal relationships, the greater the levels of depression and anxiety. The results also indicate that self-acceptance functions as a protective factor for high school students who have problems with depression and anxiety in their interpersonal relationships.



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