유아의 친사회적 행동과 인지적 문제해결능력에 대한 영향 요인 : 부모와 유아의 의도적 통제와 애정적 양육행동을 중심으로

Factors Affecting Preschooler's Prosocial Behavior and Cognitive Problem-solving Ability : Focusing on the Parents' and Preschooler's Effortful Control, and Affectionate Parenting Behavior

  • 배윤진 (경북대학교 아동학부.아동가족학전공) ;
  • 임지영 (경북대학교 아동학부.아동가족학전공/장수생활과학연구소)
  • Bae, Yun-Jin (School of Child Studies, Kyungpook National University) ;
  • Lim, Ji-Young (School of Child Studies, Kyungpook National University)
  • 투고 : 2012.02.07
  • 심사 : 2012.05.31
  • 발행 : 2012.06.30


The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships between parents' control, affectionate parenting behavior, preschooler's effortful control, prosocial behavior, and cognitive problem-solving ability. The subjects for this study comprised 221 preschoolers (104 boys, 117 girls) and their parents. The major results of this study were as follows. First, parents' effortful control revealed direct effects upon preschooler's effortful control, and affectionate parenting behavior mediated the effects of parents' effortful control upon preschooler's effortful control. Second, preschooler's effortful control mediated the effects of affectionate parenting behavior upon preschooler's prosocial behavior. Third, preschooler's effortful control had direct effects upon prosocial behavior, and prosocial behavior mediated the effects of preschooler's effortful control upon cognitive problem-solving ability. In conclusion, parents' effortful control and affectionate parenting behavior impacted upon preschooler's effortful control. And preschooler's effortful control had an important role upon prosocial behavior and cognitive problem-solving ability.



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피인용 문헌

  1. Preschoolers' Effortful Control according to Paternal and Maternal Parenting Behaviors: Focusing on the Interaction Effect between Gender and Parenting Behaviors vol.32, pp.2, 2014,