온라인 커뮤니티에서 공부와 게임의 재미와 플로우 관계

The Relationship of Interest and Flow of Study and Game in the Online Community

  • 권순재 (대구대학교 경상대학 경영학과)
  • 투고 : 2012.05.15
  • 심사 : 2012.05.22
  • 발행 : 2012.06.30


One of them is online community which is popular among this modern society. However, it is not appropriate to suggest that online community is solely for personal usage or solely for work-related usage. The usage of online community goes beyond only one purpose. On the other hand, our daily activities whether personal or work-related activities are usually accompanied with preconception ideas whether it is a fun activity or not. However, even with this preconception, individuals are still enjoying themselves while doing activities that are considered as boring or mundane. Furthermore, individuals are really into the activities that they forgot about their surrounding and found themselves being in flow while conducting these activities. Unfortunately, there is little research done in South Korea addressing this emotion related factors. Because of that, more research concerning emotion related factors need to be conducted to better understand users behavior especially in online environment. With regards to that concern, this research studied two distinct everyday activities which are studying and playing games in online community. It is expected that when an individual feels more enjoyable and feels more comfortable, it will be more likely for them to be more satisfied. This satisfaction will lead them to being in a flow state. Hence, this study proposed three hypotheses. In order to investigate these three hypotheses, studies were conducted in two stages. The first stage was conducted in order to derive the implicit knowledge about fun from the participants. The second stage was done by an empirical study. It was conducted with two sample groups. The first group is the study group and the second group is the play games group. There were asked a set of questionnaires related to their enjoyment, comfort, satisfaction and flow while conducting the relevant activity. The results showed that both groups reached the state of flow regardless whether they belong to the study group or play games group. Therefore, the preconception idea about an activity does not promote or prevent individuals from feeling enjoyment, feeling comfortable and achieve satisfaction while conducting those activities.



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