The Direct Effects of Cognitive Absorbtion on the Automatic Use of Information Technology : Proximal and Distal Effect

인지적 몰입이 정보기술의 자동사용에 미치는 직접효과: 근접효과와 원위효과

  • Received : 2012.02.07
  • Accepted : 2012.04.25
  • Published : 2012.06.30


According to previous studies, the effect of intrinsic motivation related variables such as cognitive absorption (CA) on the use of information technology(IT) should be mediated by the conscious intention. However, CA, which is a thought of previous emotional experience, a deep involvement with a software, may be one of environmental cues stimulating the use of IT independently of conscious intention. The objective of this study is to show the direct effect of CA on the automatic use of IT. For this purpose, as well as the relation between CA and use, two relations, CA-intention and intention-use, were also suggested as hypotheses, which will show that conscious intention would not fully mediate the relation between CA and automatic use. Moreover, for seeing the effects of CA as time passes, the proximal effect, which is short term and transitory effect, and the distal effect, which is long term and lingering, were simultaneously included in hyptheses. Finally, the effect of past use was also suggested as a hypothesis which aimed to show that automatic use would be controlled mostly by habit rather than not only intention but also CA. For the empirical validation of the hypotheses, 174 users of 'Cyworld', one of most influential social network services, were longitudinally surveyed, which showed that the hypotheses were accepted.



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  1. The Effect of Cognitive Absorption, Past Usage and Habit on Automatic Use - focus on the users of Facebook vol.23, pp.1, 2014,