Modelling the Estimation Process of Greenhouse Gas Emission in the Construction of Buildings

  • Yi, Kyoo-Jin (Department of Safety Engineering, Hankyong National University)
  • Received : 2011.10.27
  • Accepted : 2012.02.07
  • Published : 2012.06.20


The annual expenditure on diesel oil and heavy oil in the construction sector is the second largest among all industrial sectors. To meet the government's greenhouse gas reduction targets, the construction sector has until 2020 to cut its emissions by 7.1%. Unlike other high-tech industrial sectors, the construction sector has a fairly limited scope for technological improvements, which hampers its capacity to achieve the reduction target. To reduce emissions, it is necessary to establish an energy and emissions strategy at the project planning stage, and energy use and the resulting emissions must be estimated. This research aims to establish an estimation methodology for greenhouse gas emissions at the planning stage of construction projects. To estimate the project-related emissions, this research indentified the relationship among the types of emissions in a cross-sectional matrix form, and then provided a set of calculation methods for total project related emissions.



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