Hazards and Workplace Management of Ammonium nitrate

Ammonium nitrate의 유해성과 작업환경 관리

  • Kim, Hyeon-Yeong (Occupational Safety&Health Research Institute, KOSHA) ;
  • Hwang, Yang-In (Occupational Safety&Health Research Institute, KOSHA) ;
  • Kuk, Won-Kwen (BioConvergence Technology Laboratory, Korea Conformity Laboratories)
  • 김현영 (한국산업안전보건공단 산업안전보건연구원) ;
  • 황양인 (한국산업안전보건공단 산업안전보건연구원) ;
  • 국원근 (한국건설생활환경시험연구원)
  • Published : 2012.09.30


Objectives: The purpose of this study is the work environment management method through risk assessment and investigation of the work place that deals with Ammonium nitrate, based on information in and outside the country. Methods: This study suggests method of work environment management through risk assessment and investigation of the work place that deals with Ammonium nitrate, and finds out cases of Ammonium nitrate causing hazard, danger and health risk, based on literature investigation. Results: Rats exposed repeatedly to $LD_{50}$ 2,217 mg/kg(rat), $LC_{50}$ 88.8 mg/L(rat, skin) which cause high level of skin irritation, reported 1 $mg/m^3$ of NOAEL, while LOAEL was less than 100 mg/kg for the rats orally administered with the $LD_{50}$ 2,217 mg/kg(rat), $LC_{50}$ 88.8 mg/L(rat, skin), for 13 weeks. Domestically 31,640 ton/y of ammonium nitrate has been used in 22 workplace and the result of workplace assessment was 0.0171-0.9983 $mg/m^3$. ADD was 8.77-59.63 ${\mu}g/kg-day$ according to the exposure scenario. In other words the result of the risk assessment goes beyond the 'standard 1'. Conclusions: Ammonium nitrate creates a high level of irritation and toxicity when coming in breathe it or contact with skin, and is classified as category3 of GHS and specific target organ toxicant (irritating respiratory system). Exposure level at work places needs to be maintained under $1mg/m^3$, to prevent workers from being damaged.



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