하천그룹화 방법을 이용한 수질개선 하천유역의 우선순위 선정

Selection Priority of Tributary Catchments for Improving Water Quality using Stream Grouping Method

  • 조병욱 (충남발전연구원 충청남도물환경연구센터) ;
  • 최정호 (충남발전연구원 충청남도물환경연구센터) ;
  • 이상진 (충남발전연구원 충청남도물환경연구센터) ;
  • 김영일 (충남발전연구원 충청남도물환경연구센터)
  • Cho, Byungwook (Chungcheongnam-do Water Environment Research Center, Chungnam Development Institute) ;
  • Choi, Jeongho (Chungcheongnam-do Water Environment Research Center, Chungnam Development Institute) ;
  • Yi, Sangjin (Chungcheongnam-do Water Environment Research Center, Chungnam Development Institute) ;
  • Kim, Youngil (Chungcheongnam-do Water Environment Research Center, Chungnam Development Institute)
  • 발행 : 2012.01.30


For effective watershed management, it is very important to select the tributaries through selection and concentration of targeted tributary catchments for improving water quality within the limited financial conditions. This study introduced the selection and diagnosis procedure of tributary catchments for improving water quality at Chungcheongnam-do based on water quality and flowrate monitoring, stream grouping method. The tributaries with high value of water quality and flowrate were selected for improving water quality according to stream grouping method. The diagnosis of selected tributaries for improving water quality was performed with analysis of the pollution load (generated, discharged, delivered) and point source discharged pollution load density. The plans for improving water quality of tributaries were suggested thorough various diagnosis of tributary catchments. For improving water quality of tributaries in Chungcheongnam-do, the tributary catchments in the Dangjin, Asan, Yesan, Cheonan, Hongseong area should be preferentially considered. The water quality improving plans for those tributary catchments, in accordance with the reduction of sources of pollution by population and livestock, should be established.



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