경주관내 근대 철도역사(鐵道驛舍)의 건축적 특성에 관한 연구

A Study on the Architectural Characteristics of Modern Railway Station in Gyeongju

  • 발행 : 2012.08.25


This study aims to analyze architectural characteristics of railway station facilities which were built with development of railroads from Japanese Colonial Period to 1950's. To achieve this goals, 7 railway stations in Gyeongju area that are worth preserving were set up as research targets. For this study, I analyzed literature of the railway station and drawings which the KORAL Daegu Branch is keeping. Railway stations without a construction drawing investigated a direct visit. After analyzing the railway station facilities, the architectural properties such as plan, elevation and section have been identified. The results are as follows. First, Each modern railway station is usually consisted of waiting room and office, and ancillary spaces have been added. Over the years, however, the space was expanded horizontally. In that case, the structure and finish materials have been changed, like now. Second, Most of the roof shape is 'Matbae'(gable roof), especially Gyeongju station and Bulguksa Station are 'Woojingak roof. The roof structure is truss structure, especially as Pratt and Scissors type, but Gyeongju Station's structure is a reinforced concrete. Third, main doorway of waiting room is located in the center of the front gable. However, small stations like 'Ahwa' and 'Ipsil' station to ensure the passengers' waiting area are placed next to the office area.



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