행복마을 한옥의 평면 유형에 관한 연구

A Study on the Type of Plane at Hanok in Haengbok Village

  • 이상선 (서남대학교 공과대학 건축공학과) ;
  • 성대철 (조선대학교 공과대학 건축학부)
  • 발행 : 2012.05.25


This study aims to examine and classify plane types of Hanok at Haengbok village, analyze changes, area distribution and space structures of space components and sort plane types and their characteristics. Plane types were divided into four; living room, kitchen, dining room, etc. These plane types were labelled as LK type, L+K type, L+DK type and LDK type. LK type and L+K type were mainly found at single-wing house and made of living room and kitchen centered space structure, but substantially they were designed to ensure guest room, room and living room. Therefore, hanok built at Haengbok village were designed to combine the functions of residential function and lodging. Plane type was preferred to be used for double functions of residence and lodging. On the other side, L+DK type and LDK type were mainly found in house with several wings and they were designed centering around living room for family space. In addition entrance was placed to simplify entry from the outside and each room and guest room were arranged to be accessed from living room. It means that the functions of house focused on residence rather than lodging and all rooms had the structure to be used as residential space in case of emergency.



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