신용카드 부정사용 거래 예방을 위한 대처 방안 연구

Research of method prevent to illegal use of Credit Card

  • 부창희 (숭실대학교 컴퓨터공학과 컴퓨터통신전공) ;
  • 전문석 (숭실대학교 컴퓨터공학과)
  • 발행 : 2012.09.30


Most people in our society use credit card instead of cash or check, so credit card is very important economic method. Credit card supposed to be safe, but hackers hack credit card for illegal deal. Also hackers make fake credit card and issue fake credit card to other people. In this thesis it will study and analyze damage case for safe credit card deal. It will use safe credit card system to insert variety of information and data of using pattern in artificial intelligence network, so print out the possibility of risk and monitor the risk of credit card user's deal pattern, so if one of user's pattern is different than normal pattern, it will pop up message in consultant's screen. This thesis will study and suggest way of prevent from illegal deal and user friendly credit card checking system.



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