Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Activities of Sorghum Germplasms Introduced from USA

미국 도입 수수 유전자원의 항산화활성과 항균활성

  • Goh, Eun-Jeong (Advenced Radiation Technology Institute, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) ;
  • Yoo, Ji-Hye (Department of Applied Plant Sciences, College of Agriculture and Life Science, Kangwon National University) ;
  • Seong, Eun-Soo (Department of Applied Plant Sciences, College of Agriculture and Life Science, Kangwon National University) ;
  • Lee, Jae-Geun (Department of Applied Plant Sciences, College of Agriculture and Life Science, Kangwon National University) ;
  • Hwang, In-Seong (Department of Applied Plant Sciences, College of Agriculture and Life Science, Kangwon National University) ;
  • Kim, Nam-Jun (Department of Applied Plant Sciences, College of Agriculture and Life Science, Kangwon National University) ;
  • Yu, Chang-Yeon (Department of Applied Plant Sciences, College of Agriculture and Life Science, Kangwon National University)
  • 고은정 (한국원자력연구원 정읍방사선과학연구소 방사선육종연구팀) ;
  • 유지혜 (강원대학교 농업생명과학대학 식물자원응용공학과) ;
  • 성은수 (강원대학교 농업생명과학대학 식물자원응용공학과) ;
  • 이재근 (강원대학교 농업생명과학대학 식물자원응용공학과) ;
  • 황인성 (강원대학교 농업생명과학대학 식물자원응용공학과) ;
  • 김남준 (강원대학교 농업생명과학대학 식물자원응용공학과) ;
  • 유창연 (강원대학교 농업생명과학대학 식물자원응용공학과)
  • Received : 2011.09.22
  • Accepted : 2012.03.21
  • Published : 2012.04.30


This study was carried out to evaluate the agronomic characteristics and biological activities of $Sorghum$ $bicolor$ germplasms introduced from USA. Plant height, stem diameter, tiller number, leaf length, leaf width, leaf vein color, ear type, ear length and ear width have different from the cultivated accessions. Sweet-N-Sterile (#4) showed the tallest height, widest ear-width and stem diameter. Most of $Sorghum$ $bicolor$ plants may be available to use for bio-energy from these results showing big biomass. Antioxidant activities of 11 cultivars collected from USA were examined by DPPH assay and reducing power. Among the cultivars, Premium stock (#1), Early Sumac (#7), SS Silage (#9) and WGF Grain Sorghum (#11) showed a significantly higher antioxidant activity in comparison to others. Early Sumac (#7) and SS silage (#9) showed more strong reducing power activities than ${\alpha}$-tocopherol, a positive control. Premium stock (#1), Sweet-N-Sterile (#4), Early Sumac (#7) and SS Silage (#9) were also showed high antioxidant activities by DPPH assay and reducing power experiment. BMR Gold I (#3) displayed strong antimicrobial activity against $Escherichia$ $coli$ at minimum inhibitory concentrations (125 ${\mu}g$/ml).

본 연구는 미국 수수 수집종의 작물학적 특성 및 생리활성을 검정하기 위하여 수행되었다. 대부분의 미국 수수 수집종은 200 cm 이상의 큰 초장을 보였으며, 간경 또한 2cm 이상의 값을 나타냈다. 수수 수집종 중에서는 Sweet-N-Sterile(#4)이 가장 우량한 수수의 생장 특성을 보였다. 수수의 DPPH를 이용한 활성 검정 결과, Premium stock(#1), Early Sumac(#7), SS Silage(#9), WGF Grain Sorghum(#11) 4개의 수집종에서 기존의 항산화제인 ${\alpha}$-tocopherol과 BHA와 비슷한 활성을 보였고 BHT보다는 높은 활성을 보였다. 항미생물 실험결과 BMR Gold I(#3)이 가장 높은 활성을 나타냈으며, 특히 $Escherichia$ $coli$에서 125 ${\mu}g$/ml으로 높은 활성수치를 나타냈다.



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Cited by

  1. Evaluation of Crop Characteristics of Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) Germplasm for the Selection of Excellent Resources vol.29, pp.4, 2016,
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