Review on Eight Constitution Medicine

팔체질 의학에 대한 논문 리뷰

  • Lee, Joo-Ho (Dep. of Human Informatics of Oriental Medicine, Interdisciplinary Programs, Kyung Hee University) ;
  • Kim, Hee-Ju (Elim Oriental Medical Clinic) ;
  • Shin, Young-Sup (Shin Oriental Medical Clinic) ;
  • Park, Young-Jae (Dep. of Human Informatics of Oriental Medicine, Interdisciplinary Programs, Kyung Hee University) ;
  • Park, Young-Bae (Dep. of Human Informatics of Oriental Medicine, Interdisciplinary Programs, Kyung Hee University)
  • 이주호 (경희대학교 학과간협동과정 한방인체정보의학과) ;
  • 김희주 (엘림한의원) ;
  • 신용섭 (신한의원) ;
  • 박영재 (경희대학교 학과간협동과정 한방인체정보의학과) ;
  • 박영배 (경희대학교 학과간협동과정 한방인체정보의학과)
  • Received : 2011.12.28
  • Accepted : 2012.03.02
  • Published : 2012.03.31


Objectives: Eight constitution medicine (ECM), which was first introduced in 1965, has been further developed and refined over the decades, and has consolidated its foundation through many studies on theories, diagnosis and clinical application. However, there have been few reviews on dissertations of ECM. In this study, we reviewed previously published studies related to ECM. Methods: We reviewed a total of 55 ECM-related studies published from 1965 to 2010 found on PubMed and various domestic Oriental medicine journals. Each thesis was classified as a theoretical, diagnostic, or remedy-related study. Results: 1. In the review of theoretical studies, shortly after ECM's introduction in 1965 by Kwon, the authors found studies on constitutional diseases, diets and food table which helped establish the background of ECM. ECM has further developed by comparing its theories with Sasang constitutional medicine, Huang-di-nei-jing, Saam, and Taegeuk acupuncture theories. 2. Research on diagnosis has been focused on its objectivity and accuracy. Constitution could be diagnosed by pulse-taking. To compensate for the lack of accuracy innate in pulse-taking, the Eight Constitution Questionnaire has been invented. 3. Remedies can be largely divided into acupuncture and diet. There were case studies comparing treatment effect of ECM acupuncture to other treatments. Diet related studies were carried out in the fields of immunology and nutrition. Conclusions: The authors reviewed studies that contributed to improved understanding of theories and clinical implications of ECM. Although there were various approaches to its theoretical and clinical grounds, more clinical research is needed. There is also a need to evaluate the accuracy of the experts' diagnoses of the constitution. The relationship between the diet and constitution also needs further research.



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