이공계 인력의 미래 유망직업 연구동향: 한국.미국.호주의 직업전망을 중심으로

Trends for the Promising Career of Science and Engineering Workforce: Job Outlook of Korea.USA.Australia

  • 한지영 (대진대학교 공학교육혁신센터)
  • Han, Jiyoung (Innovation Center for Engineering Education, Daejin University)
  • 투고 : 2011.05.24
  • 심사 : 2011.10.12
  • 발행 : 2012.09.30


The purpose of this study was to compare and analysis researches related the promising career and job outlook and to provide the direction for job choice to engineering students. Literature review and expert council were used to achieve the objectives of study. The result of this study was analyzed that these jobs were promising, that is, environmental scientist and specialist, earth scientist and hydrologist(education and research related career), architecture and architectural engineer, civil engineer, landscape technician, land surveyor map production expert photo surveyor surveying technician(construction related career), material engineer (mechanics and material related career), mine and geology engineer(chemistry, fiber and environment related career), computer system design and analyst, system software engineer, application software engineer, web specialist, and computer support specialist (electrical and telecommunication related career) and food engineer(food related career). In addition, health silver specialist, bio biomedical engineer, renewable energy specialist etc. were promising by considering social and economic trend for demographic change like aging and green growth.



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