Changes of the Royal Procession to Gyeongwoo-gung and Spatial Structure of Seoul during the 19th Century

경우궁(景祐宮) 행행(行幸)의 변화와 19세기 한성부(漢城府) 도시구조

  • 송인호 (서울시립대학교 건축학부) ;
  • 조은주 (서울시립대학교 건축학과)
  • Received : 2012.02.29
  • Published : 2012.08.25


The purpose of this study was to analyze changes of the royal procession by constructing and relocating Gyeongwoo-gung. They had a decisive effect on urban structure of old Seoul in 19th century. Gyeongwoo-gung was a royal shrine for natural mother of king Sunjo, which were built on the west side of Changdeok-gung which called Yangduk-bang. The early parts of Gyeongwoo-gung, which were recorded in the royal books known as "Uigwe," were composed of three different spaces. Each of them had its own gate, and was arranged from west to east based on the spatial hierarchy. As the three doors did not make straight axis, entering the main building twisted its way while the other shrines in the late Joseon dynasty had linear movement. In 1885, the following year of Gapsin coup, Gyeongwoo-gung was relocated from its original site to Sunwha-bang, on the west side of Gyeongbok-gung. Including relocated Gyeongwoo-gung, there were a few other royal shrines, such as Yuksang-gung, Yeonho-gung, Seonhee-gung around Gyeongbok-gung. At that time, king Gojong stayed in Gyeongbok-gung instead of Changdeok-gung, and it had a decisive effect on royal procession. On the way to Gyeongwoo-gung, he started to stop off other shrines around Gyeongbok-gung, while he visited Unhyeon-gung before, and therefore it brought altered relation with facilities around palace. Newly formed city center with Gyeongbok-gung developed axis from north to south.



Supported by : 한국연구재단


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