An Analysis of the Difference in Awareness on 'Divisional Planning Guidline of District Units Plans for Creation of Multi-Family Housing' among the Expert Groups

'공동주택단지 조성을 위한 지구단위계획 수립기준'에 대한 전문가집단 간 인식 차이 분석

  • Received : 2012.01.01
  • Accepted : 2012.04.18
  • Published : 2012.04.25


This study aims to understand differences in what specialists groups think important to establish district units plans. The result of the study is as follows. There were differences in thinking by specialists on standards and procedure of establishment, characteristics of the plans. For the standards of establishment, there was a remarkable difference in thinking on the importance. In the search for the importance on the establishment procedure, the groups of architects, construction firms, researchers and professors & instructors thought listening to opinions of residents important and public officials considered review by the City Planning Council important. In the survey on characteristics of district units plans, the most respondents answered 'plans leaded by private sectors focusing on residents' and 'plans to practice for actualization of urban plans'. Public officials and researchers answered that district units plans should be practical plans for actualization of urban plans with strong characteristics of work. The groups of architects, construction firms and professors/instructors mostly thought that private sector leaded plans focusing on residents as characteristics of district units plans. It was understood that construction firms think that the parts related to conditions for construction across overall standards of establishment, procedure of establishment are important. The specialists who think that the plans should be private sector leaded plans focusing on residents on which the residents' opinions are reflected were the groups of architects and professors/instructors.



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