A short record for the distribution of two rare Korean ferns

한반도 희귀양치식물 2종의 신분포지 보고

  • Sun, Eun-Mi (Department of Biology, Institute of Plant Resources, Chonnam National University) ;
  • Jang, Jeong-Won (Department of Biology, Institute of Plant Resources, Chonnam National University) ;
  • Im, Hyoung-Tak (Department of Biology, Institute of Plant Resources, Chonnam National University) ;
  • Son, Hyun-Deok (Mokpo Natural History Museum)
  • Received : 2012.05.18
  • Accepted : 2012.06.18
  • Published : 2012.06.30


During the course of the execution of the project entitled Distribution Research of Rare Plants, we found the habitats of two rare ferns with obscure and/or extremely restricted distribution ranges, as previously unreported habitats. A subantarctic fern reported on Hamgyeong-do and Gangwon-do, Dryopteris coreano-montana Nakai, was found on Mt. Ibam in Jangseong-gun, Jeollanam-do. A subtropical fern reported south of Jeju-do, Dryopteris decipiens (Hook.) Kuntze, was newly found on Mt. Cheongwan of Jangheung-gun in Jeollanam-do.

희귀식물 분포연구의 일환으로 조사 과정 중 국내 분포가 명확하지 않고 극히 한정된 지역에 분포하는 양치식물 2종의 신분포지가 확인되었다. 함경도와 강원도에 분포하는 것으로 알려진 보태면마(Dryopteris coreano-montana)가 전남 장성군 입암산에서 확인되었으며, 제주도 남쪽에서 드물게 자라는 난대성 양치식물인 공작지네고사리(Dryopteris decipiens)가 전남 장흥군 천관산에서 발견되었다.



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Cited by

  1. A systematic study of Dryopteris subg. Erythrovariae (H. Itô) Fraser-Jenk. (Dryopteridaceae) in Korea vol.45, pp.2, 2015,