초등학교 학교운동장 관련시설에 관한 실태조사 연구

The Research on the actual condition and Improvement Measure about Elementary School Equipments of Playground

  • 윤용기 (한국교원대학교 교육정책전문대학원) ;
  • 김재형 (충청북도 영동교육지원청 관리과)
  • 발행 : 2012.08.30


This research aims to take a close look at the following topics; the ground elevation of playground, equipments of playground, and equipments around playground, and to propose the improvement measure for favorable educational environment. In consideration of the needs mentioned, the following improvement measure for playground can be suggested. First, the elevation of playground should be changed. According to Environment psychology, current playground elevation should be lowered 2 stair-long height from a classroom site. This kind of elevation change can remove unnecessary stairs, and reduces inconvenience incurred by stairs and edges, which results in considerable educational finance saving. Second, the incidental equipment within a playground needs to be improved. This fact is found out at the surveyed schools; school gathering is held at classrooms (through broadcasting) or a multi-purpose auditorium in place of a playground. The results of this study make us conclude that the most important issue to be considered in the processes of selection and investigation for school playground elevation, incidental equipments and others.



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