We studied about dietary habits and obesity of the culinary college students, the average age of male subject was 20.4 years, female 19.8years, male height 174.0cm, female 162.6 cm, body weight of male 71.4 kg, female 60.3 kg. Average body fat% of male was 20.5%, that of female was 30.2%, their average body fat% was at the range of overweight. Most subjects were not satisfied with their body weight and seemed to have ideal body shape as standard and lean. 51.6% of male and 35.2% of female students did not eat breakfast. Male students ratio of eating lunch every day was 41.7%, that of female was 27.0%, male students ratio of eating dinner every day was 54.8%, that of female was 35.5%. They liked to eat meal as rice type and 1-2day per week, they used to eat night snack. The first cause of not eating meal was lack of time. Under stress 56 % of male eated as much as usual, 58.7% of female eated more than usual.
본 연구는 조리전공 남녀대학생의 식사행태 및 비만에 대한 연구로 남학생 평균 연령은 20.4세, 여학생 19.8세, 신장은 남학생 174.0 cm, 여학생 162.6 cm, 체중은 남학생 71.4 kg, 여학생 60.3 kg이었다. 평균 체지방률은 남학생 20.5%, 여학생 30.2%로 남녀학생 모두 과체중에 해당되었다. 대부분의 학생들이 본인의 체중에 유의적인 차이로 불만을 나타내었으며, 남녀학생 모두 표준형과 좀 마른형이 이상체형이라고 생각하고 있었다. 남학생이 여학생에 비해 아침을 먹지 않았고, 점심은 매일 먹는 비율이 남학생 40.7%, 여학생은 27.0%밖에 되지 않았으며, 저녁식사는 남학생의 54.8%, 여학생은 35.5%만이 매일 먹고 있어 유의적인 차이가 있었다. 식사형태는 밥류를 선호하고 야식은 주 1~2일 먹는 비율이 가장 많았으며, 식사를 하지 않는 이유로 시간이 없어서 못 먹는다는 응답이 많았다. 스트레스 시 남학생의 56.%는 평소와 같이 먹는 반면 여학생의 58.7%는 평소보다 많이 먹고 있었다.