VIC(Vortex In Cell) 방법을 이용한 순간 출발하는 프로펠러 주위의 점성유동 해석

Analysis of Viscous Flow Around an Impulsively Started Marine Propeller Using VIC(Vortex In Cell) Method

  • 이준혁 (서울대학교 산업.조선공학부) ;
  • 김유철 (한국해양연구원 해양시스템안전연구소) ;
  • 이윤모 (현대중공업 선박해양연구소) ;
  • 서정천 (서울대학교 조선해양공학과/해양시스템공학연구소)
  • Lee, Jun-Hyeok (Department of Industrial Engineering and Naval Architecture, Seoul National University) ;
  • Kim, Yoo-Chul (Maritime & Ocean Engineering Research Institute, KORDI) ;
  • Lee, Youn-Mo (Hyundai Heavy Industry Co., Ltd., HMRI) ;
  • Suh, Jung-Chun (Department of Naval Architecture & Ocean Engineering / Research Institute of Marine System Engineering, Seoul National University)
  • 투고 : 2011.02.18
  • 심사 : 2011.12.12
  • 발행 : 2012.02.20


The 3-D unsteady viscous flow around an impulsively started rotating marine propeller is simulated using VIC(Vortex-In-Cell) method which is adequate to analyze the strong vortical flow around complicatedly-shaped body. The computational procedure is governed by the vorticity transport equation in Lagrangian form. In order to solve the equation, a regular grid which is independent to the shape of a body is introduced and each term of the equation is evaluated numerically on the grid by applying immersed boundary concept. In this paper, the overall algorithm including the formulation of governing equations and boundary conditions is described and some computational results are presented with discussing their physical validity.



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