A Study on Ma Gok Sa Space through Thought of Zhuangzi

장자 사유로 본 마곡사 공간 연구

  • Received : 2012.08.30
  • Accepted : 2012.10.12
  • Published : 2012.10.31


Magoksa is famous for its location and history, compared to other traditional temples in Korea, as seen in remarks of Monk Doseon in the Shilla Dynasty: "This temple is where the three disasters can not penetrate." In contrast, the reality is that active researches are not conducted, especially on spatial studies. Magoksa has its unique spatial characteristics that can not be found in other temples of Korea, but the existing studies on Magoksa have focused on style or design aspects, and the research has placed importance in a survey form due to the lack of historical materials. The reason for approaching Zhuangzi's philosophy in studying Magoksa's space is because of the fact that it has affected Zen Buddhism and Pure Land Buddhism of Mahayana Buddhism, and that Magoksa was completed by Monk Bojo of Zen Buddhism. It is expected to deduce the meaningful results due to the reasonal aspects of mutual elements by studying Magoksa as a Buddhism temple through Zhuangzi's philosophy in that context. In pursuit and reinterpretation of the essence of Korean traditional architecture, it is important to consider morphological, stylized aspects, but a variety of methodologies might be also presented in understanding the philosophical aspects.



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