도시형 소형주택의 실내코디네이션 요소 선호 분석 - 골드세대(골드미스, 골드미스터) 수요자를 중심으로 -

An Analysis on Preference of Interior Coordination Elements for Urban Small Housing - Focused on Gold-Generation(Gold Miss, Gold Mr.) -

  • 김소희 (상명대학교 디자인대학) ;
  • 한영호 (상명대학교 디자인대학 실내디자인전공)
  • 투고 : 2012.07.02
  • 심사 : 2012.10.12
  • 발행 : 2012.10.31


As changed population structure variously, population decrease is one of the important problem in present urbanization. It resulted decline of the medium-large size housings that increasing of 1-2 person household need the variety of small housing with housing type. This study was researched the Gold-Generation on theme by Gold Miss, Gold Mr. who preferring urban small housings that it analyzed survey of Gold generation who be wanted urban small housing by interior coordination elements. Data to be analyzed that first, Gold Mr. and Miss are preferred two bedroom applied by spatial structure coordination. Especially it is based on the separation between livingroom and bedroom with duplex type which is bathroom formed single unit type(shower/toilet/basin). In interior coordination of spatial elements, Gold Mr. considered the form of kitchen with huge ㄷ type instead of Gold Miss are preferred alpha room or alpha space to use powder room or dress room. Second, In Preference of interior coordination elements, Gold Mr. and Miss are preferred bed-clothes and curtains by fabrics, lighting are hanging and spot lighting, accessories are carpet with rug and porcelains. Color are preferred bright scheme both white and ivory, however preference of furniture is different from Gold Mr. and Gold Miss that Gold Mr. are ordered desk, sofa and shelves but Gold Miss are preferred sofa, bed, and dressing table. It showed between Gold Mr. and Gold Miss are equal needs or differences. It expects the basic research for understanding the interior coordination elements for preference in urban small housing as focused on Gold generation(Gold Miss, Gold Mr.) that they will be applied the interior space on urban small housing.



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