Contents Analysis of the Municipal Color Design Guidelines

지방자치단체의 색채가이드라인 구성 내용 실태

  • 김정근 (울산대학교 생활과학부 주거환경학과) ;
  • 김아람 (울산대학교 생활과학부 주거환경학과)
  • Received : 2012.08.30
  • Accepted : 2012.10.12
  • Published : 2012.10.31


As the competition of city design from various municipals recently, color guidelines are continuously established. But the contents of color guidelines are differing from one municipal to the other, It has doubts on its effectiveness. Thus, the objective of this researchis to investigate municipals' color guidelines in order to apprehend the characteristics and differences among each other. In order to do this, the research will collect color guidelines of 5 different cities and 2 different districts. Then, by organizing tables for different characteristics of contents, the research will attempt to identify the difference between municipals. The conclusion of such research is as follows. First, basic contents of color guidelines are composed with planning, proposing and managing stages. Furthermore its objective, target subject, detailed guidelines and exemplary cases were common. Second, the contents of color guidelines of municipals were vastly differing from each other in respect to the size of the cities or the objectives of its application. Third, color guideline contents of the city of Seoul, Sejong city, and Chung-ra district are composed rather reliably while that of the city of Inchun, and Sung-buk district were lacking considerably in terms of up-to-date survey of environment, color proposal, and managing policy in comparison to other municipals. In conclusion, there is a strong necessity for standardization of establishment or form of the color guidelines. Furthermore, measures for proper adjustment in respect to the size of a municipal or its purpose should be arranged adequately.



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