A 59-year-old woman was admitted to our hospital with polydipsia and general weakness. She had a 30-year history of bipolar disorder and was being treated with risperidone (4 mg/day) and lithium carbonate (1,200 mg/day). During her time in hospital, her urine output and serum osmolality increased, and her urine osmolality decreased. She was found to have myoglobulinuria, an elevated creatine kinase level, and abnormal renal function. Based on these findings, the patient was diagnosed with diabetes insipidus and rhabdomyolysis secondary to lithium therapy. After fluid therapy and the withdrawal of lithium, her clinical symptoms improved significantly. Her urine volume decreased gradually after treatment with amiloride. The effects of lithium on the muscle system are unknown. Hyperosmolarity caused by lithium-induced diabetes insipidus is considered a contributing factor in rhabdomyolysis.
저자들은 조울증으로 6년간 리튬 치료를 받던 중 신성 요붕증과 횡문근융해증이 발생한 환자에서 수액 치료와 리튬 중단과 thiazide, amiloride 투여로 호전된 증례를 경험하였기에 문헌고찰과 함께 보고하는 바이다.