Let D be a finite digraph with the vertex set V(D) and arc set A(D). A two-valued function $f:V(D){\rightarrow}\{-1,\;1\}$ defined on the vertices of a digraph D is called a signed 2-independence function if $f(N^-[v]){\leq}1$ for every $v$ in D. The weight of a signed 2-independence function is $f(V(D))=\sum\limits_{v{\in}V(D)}\;f(v)$. The maximum weight of a signed 2-independence function of D is the signed 2-independence number ${\alpha}_s{^2}(D)$ of D. Recently, Volkmann [3] began to investigate this parameter in digraphs and presented some upper bounds on ${\alpha}_{s}^{2}(D)$ for general digraph D. In this paper, we improve upper bounds on ${\alpha}_s{^2}(D)$ given by Volkmann [3].