반도체 공정장비 Gas Scrubber의 에너지 모니터링 시스템개발

Development of an Energy MonItorIng System for Gas Scrubber

  • 김선만 (한양대학교 일반대학원) ;
  • 임익태 (전북대학교 기계설계공학과) ;
  • 안강호 (한양대학교 기계공학과)
  • 투고 : 2011.04.12
  • 심사 : 2011.05.09
  • 발행 : 2011.06.30


We have developed a new energy-consuming monitoring system that has made it possible to measure the energy consumption of a gas scrubber, one of semiconductor processing equipments, and installed this system to the gas scrubber under operating at a manufacture site. Using this system, we have measured consumptions of electric power and processing gas consumed at standby to operating mode. In case of the gas scrubber, processing gas flows continuously into it at standby and operating mode. Therefore, if the electric power has been supplied, the processing gas can flows into the device for 24 hours. Moreover, at operating of gas scrubber, the amount of electricity consumption is 5 kWh. At Standby of gas scrubber, it spends 3kwh. It is certain that the energy consumption is greater at operating mode than at standby mode. The carbon emission rates from 24 hour gas scrubber operation are 236 $kgCO_2$/day of $N_2$, 57 $kgCO_2$/day of electric power and 0.001 $kgCO_2$/day of cooling water. Most of carbon is emitted from $N_2$ gas and electric power consumption.



  1. SEMI S23-0708 Guide for Conservation of Energy, Utilities and Materials used by Semiconductor manufacturing Equipment.
  2. 국가 LCI 데이터베이스정보망.
  3. 에너지관리공단 연도별 전력수급현황.