가족친화마을만들기를 위한 주민역량강화 방안 -살기좋은마을만들기를 위한 주민역량강화 프로그램 분석을 기초로 -

A Study on the Plan to Reinforce the Resident's Capacity to Build Family-Friendly Community -Focused on Educational Program of Livable Community Building -

  • 차성란 (대전대학교 아동교육상담학과)
  • Cha, Sung-Lan (Dept. of Child Education and Counseling, Daejeon University)
  • 투고 : 2011.06.23
  • 심사 : 2011.08.08
  • 발행 : 2011.08.31


This study proposes a plan for the residents to have a capacity to build a family-friendly community on their own. As there is not a family-friendly community related program developed for "Resident's Capacity Reinforcement", three programs closely related with family-friendly community program were analyzed instead. Analysis showed that first, the community spirit must be emphasized to maintain the characteristics of family care with social support. Second, educational contents must reflect resident's capacity elements that are necessary for participating in the family friendly community building stages. Third, there is a necessity for systematization of education courses into beginner, intermediate, and specialty course given education is continued. Fourth, there is a necessity for the curriculum that may be used for the family friendly community building to foster human and material resource management ability. Therefore, framework for the educational contents suggests X-axis and Y-axis presented by person-business and morphogenic-morphostatic as referred to Ulrich(1997),s human resource model. However, this study has limitations because educational program of 'livable community building' are analyzed for the plan to reinforce capacity to build family-friendly community. There is a necessity for continuing to improve the program by in depth interview or social survey with residents and leader in community.



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