The Contents of Color Education According to Children's Cognitive Development - Focused on The Softwares of Color Education -

아동 인지 발달에 따른 색채 교육 내용 실태 - 색채 교육용 소프트웨어를 중심으로 -

  • 김경아 (울산대학교 주거환경학과) ;
  • 김정근 (울산대학교 주거환경학과)
  • Received : 2011.05.31
  • Accepted : 2011.08.05
  • Published : 2011.08.31


The purpose of this research is to analyze the manifestation of children's color education in the software in order to evaluate conditions of color education as well as improvement of its direction. The procedure and method of the research is begun from evaluating the characteristic of children's developmental stage, content analysis of the nation's organization of color education and analysis and evaluation of education program through the investigation on 8 different softwares in reward for the tournament. The results are as followings; First, the research shows that the elementary school stage of color education is inadequate in comparison to children's cognitive developmental stage. Second, most of the color theory was composed of characteristic of a color, stimulation of emotion and effects of psychology. Considering of children's cognitive development, it is necessary to make up for the basic of color theory and the system of color. Third, Softwares of color education program for 1 st. and 2nd grade in elementary school was so rare that it should be properly developed and made for systematic contents. Fourth, color education for the 5th and 6th grade children remained in understanding basic characteristics of the color which is below the par and brings the necessity for more professional and structural contents.



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