Diagnosis of Acid-Base Disorders in Canine Parvoviral Enteritis

개 파보바이러스성 장염에서 산-염기 장애의 진단

  • Jeoung, Seok-Young (Gangnam Animal Clinic) ;
  • Kim, Yo-Han (College of Veterinary Medicine & Institute of Veterinary Science, Kangwon National University) ;
  • Kim, Doo (College of Veterinary Medicine & Institute of Veterinary Science, Kangwon National University)
  • 정석영 (강남종합동물병원) ;
  • 김요한 (강원대학교 수의과대학 및 동물의학종합연구소) ;
  • 김두 (강원대학교 수의과대학 및 동물의학종합연구소)
  • Accepted : 2011.05.25
  • Published : 2011.08.30


Abstract: This study was aimed to diagnose acid-base disorders of dogs with canine parvoviral enteritis (CPE) and data to establish a rational fluid therapy regimen for patients with CPE. A total of 43 dogs which had clinical signs of CPE and had detected canine parvovirus by polymerase chain reaction, were bled anaerobically from jugular vein at the time of admission. Blood chemical test, determination of electrolytes and blood gas analysis were conducted, and calculated values were obtained from each measured items. The values of blood chemical and electrolytes of dogs with CPE were various depending on the degree of clinical signs, and these tests were not specific to diagnose for CPE. Hypochloremia (20.9%), hyperchloremia (11.6%), hypokalemia (7.0%), hyperkalemia (11.6%), hyponatremia (9.3%) and hypernatremia (18.6%) were diagnosed as abnormalities of electrolytes from 43 dogs with CPE. The 29 out of 43 dogs (67.4%) were metabolic acidosis and 3 dogs (7.0%) were metabolic alkalosis. The acid-base status of 11 dogs out of 43 dogs (25.6%) was normal.



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