트라이앵귤레이션 방법에 의한 기본간호 현장실습교육 평가

An Evaluation of the Fundamental Nursing Practice in Clinical Settings by Triangulation Method

  • 투고 : 2011.06.20
  • 심사 : 2011.07.22
  • 발행 : 2011.08.31


Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify effectiveness of fundamental nursing practices in clinical settings. Method: This study adopted the triangulation method. Using one group pre-post test design, this study identified differences in self efficacy between pre and post clinical practice. The study was also designed to describe the nursing student's experience of clinical practice by using content analysis Results: 1) All students experienced bedmaking, BST check, V/C check, positioning, transferring, assisting with moving and positioning, and ROM. Sixty percent of students experienced giving oral care, and forty percent experienced shampooing patient's hair. 2) While the mean score of self efficacy was 3.88 in the pre-test, it decreased to 3.76 in the post-test. They were statistically different from each other. 3) Seven categories were elicited from the result of content analysis on the nursing student's experience, which were 'ignorant stranger', 'facing the gap between theory and practice', 'resolving the uncertainty of clinical setting', 'getting used to fundamental nursing practice', 'motivated by a desire to study and self-development', 'understanding the nursing profession's job', and 'being helpful for the future career'. Conclusion: Fundamental nursing practice in clinical settings is a useful strategy that improves fundamental nursing skills and motivates student's self-development.



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