A Case Study of Productivity Improvement in Filling a Print Cartridge with Toner

프린터 카트리지 충전생산라인의 생산성향상 사례연구

  • 양주만 (Toner&OPC R&D Division, 신도리코) ;
  • 양문희 (단국대학교 산업공학과)
  • Received : 2010.10.11
  • Accepted : 2011.07.27
  • Published : 2011.09.01


In this paper, we deal with a problem improving the productivity of a discrete production line for filling a printer cartridge with toner. We develop a new technology for controlling the weight of toner which must be filled in a cartridge and reform the current line based on our new control technology to result in more than 35% improvement of productivity as well as the control accuracy. In detail, first, we find a bottleneck process, the toner-filling process which gives the current production cycle times. Second, we divide the processing time of the bottleneck into several work elements and find the rotation time of an AC servomotor to be further reduced. Third, in order to reduce the rotation time, we develop a mathematical control-time model for determining the rotation time. Finally, we reform the current line partially as required by the change of the new control method.



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