일.가정양립태도와 환경이 취업모가 지각한 모자간 자원제공에 미치는 영향

Effects of Work-Family Related Environment and Attitude on Resource Exchange between Working Mothers and Their Child

  • Cho, Su-Gene (Department of Consumer Studies, Seoul National University) ;
  • Lee, Ki-Young (Department of Consumer Studies, Seoul National University)
  • 투고 : 2011.04.05
  • 심사 : 2011.06.10
  • 발행 : 2011.07.30


This research tried to identify how different types of environments related with work-family reconciliation effects the amount of resource exchange between working mothers and their child. In this study, we applied theoretical concepts such as 'Defamiliarization'(rights of mothers to access the work force without any environmental obstacles) and 'Familiarization'(a movement trying to balance work with family and child). This study is an analysis of valid questionnaires filled out by 220 female respondent's who was holding a job and also had children attending elementary, middle, or high school at the time answering the survey questionnaire. Results of this survey are as follows. Mother's attitudes toward familiarization and child's school environments related with defamiliarization had critical effects on mother's perceived resource exchange. And in a further analysis, among the clustered groups of mothers the group which consists of mothers who try to work hardly on both work and family had the highest degree of the resource supplies to their child.



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