사회상황이야기와 동작활동을 결합한 사회기술훈련이 ADHD 아동에게 미치는 효과

The Effects of Social Skills Training Combined with Social Stories and Movement Activities on Children with ADHD

  • 투고 : 2010.10.31
  • 심사 : 2011.01.19
  • 발행 : 2011.02.28


This study examined the effects of social skills training combined with social stories and movement activities designed to change the social behaviors of children with ADHD. Six first-grade children with ADHD participated in the training program, which was composed of 15 sessions over 2 months. Our results indicated that:(1) Children's problematic behaviors were reduced after the training. Anxiety was reduced by a statistically significant level. Depression, delinquency, and hyperactivity were also reduced, but these did not reach a statistically significant level. (2) Children's social skills were improved after the training. Self-assertion and self-control were increased by a statistically significant level. Cooperation was also improved, but it did not reach a statistically significant level. (3) Children's social behaviors became more prosocial after participation in the training program. Children were also found to be able to express positive feeling more often, recognize social rules, and explain their ideas regarding friendship.



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피인용 문헌

  1. Effects of a Social Skills Training Program on Problem Behaviors, Social Skill, and Peer Relationship in Children using a Community Child Center at Vulnerable Area vol.24, pp.3, 2015,