The aims of this article are to examine the basic law, contents and concept of counselling work for healthy family and provide the jobs and competency of healthy family supporter for counselling work. The research objects are 48 healthy family supporters for counselling work inclusive of full-time and part-time position. They are analyzed through the survey using questionnaire made by ministry of women and family and headquarter of healthy family support centers. The process of research consists of two parts. One is to suggest their jobs and requirements, the other is to offer their core competency and area for improvement. First, the jobs of healthy family supporters for counselling work are planning, performance and valuation consist of 29 items. A publicity activity of them is the work strengthened strategically. The requirements for the performance of their duties are having a master's degree, career for 3years, and a certificate of qualification of family counselor, healthy family supporters and social worker. Second, their competencies are understanding of the characteristic and life cycle of family, family law, education of family life, ability of documentation, data analysis, sensitivity of the change of family, society and environment, ability of solving the problem, attitude of the dignity of man, positiveness and so on.
본 연구는 건강가정지원센터 상담사업 건강가정사의 직무연구를 통해 직무우선순위와 직무수행요건, 직무역량의 중요도와 교육요구도를 파악하고 핵심역량과 역량개발영역을 추출해내고자 수행되었다. 조사는 센터 내 상담사업분야에 종사하는 상근 및 비상근 건강가정사들을 대상으로 설문을 통해 이루어졌다. 분석결과 사업의 홍보 부분이 전략적 강화업무로 거론되었으며, 가족상담, 프로그램 기획, 사례회의, 슈퍼비젼등은 기본업무로 인식하고 있었다. 담당인력의 수행요건은 석사수준의 학력과 1-3년의 관련기관 근무경력, 가족상담사, 건강가정사, 사회복지사, 상담심리사 등의 자격인 것으로 나타났다. 그 외 직무역량 중요도와 교육요구도를 토대로 핵심역량과 역량개발영역을 추출하였는데 이것으로 상담영역 건강가정사의 직무 및 보수교육 콘텐츠 개발이 가능하다.