A crack is the main cause to affect the integrity of tunnel lining as well as leakage, spalling, exposed rebar, corrosion, carbonation and so on. Since the 1980, NATM has prevailed on excavation method and geotechnical philosophy in tunnel. Although the pattern of cracks has been reported by several engineers' effort, it was only focused on longitudinal cracks of lining. Eleven operational NATM tunnels have been conducted with the precise inspection for safety and diagnosis by KISTEC (Korea Infrastructure Safety and Technology Incorporation). With those results, the crack patterns by the spatial distribution and appearance for each tunnel have been analyzed and the cause of occurrence for seven common types of cracks in NATM tunnels was classified. Additionally, the longitudinal crack on lining above duct slab was figured out by numerical simulation and field inspection. Each crack has been analyzed by CCD (Charge-Coupled Device) scanner image with 3D configuration. Each type of cracks is also explained with output of experimental and condition of construction. Defined cracks on NATM tunnels will be good example for periodical inspection and precise inspection for safety and diagnosis.
균열, 누수, 박락, 철근노출, 부식, 탄산화 등은 터널 라이닝 건전도 평가항목으로 그 중에서 균열은 주요한 영향요인이다. 1980년 이후로, NATM은 터널의 굴착방법과 링폐합의 지반공학적 개념의 보급과 함께 넓게 적용되었으며, 라이닝에 발생된 균열의 연구도 진행되었으나 종균열에 제한된 연구가 주로 수행되었다. 본 논문에서는 11개의 공용중인 NATM터널의 정밀안전진단 결과를 활용하여 공간적인 위치 및 형태별로 분석하여 터널별 공통된 7개의 균열을 정의, 원인 및 분석, 사례 등을 나타내었다. 종류별 균열은 CCD스캐너 이미지를 3차원으로 분석하여 향후 NATM터널 정기점검 및 정밀안전진단 시 유익한 사례가 휠 수 있도록 하였다.